Όταν προκύπτουν θρησκευτικές ανάγκες,τα κεφάλαια που ακολουθούν

When religious needs arise, the funds follow

I have been in serious need of religious supplies for a while now. Back in our old place buying more things seemed like a waste of both money and space. But in this new place space is not a concern. Money, however, still is.

I promised my Patrons when we moved into this place they would be out in the open, not hidden away. I have kept that promise and it has been wonderful. Their spaces are a little cramped but I’m hoping to rectify that situation soon. I’ve also set up Hestia in the kitchen to honour the hearth and soul of the home.


Hopefully I’ll get a matching cup and plate set. Also know I did not choose that wall or trim colour…

So now it’s down to finances. There are things that I have needed that I just couldn’t afford. Not just things for Aphrodite and Hermes, but things to bless this home and sweep out the negative energies The Fiancée’s sister left behind. I wrote about going to the local shop with a spiritual friend of mine. I had a $10 budget. On the way there I found a hidden $5 bill in the car. The total for everything I needed? A little over $14.

I have been wanting to get things like incense and herbs for my Patrons and my home to reinforce the blessings and happiness, as well as a wash for the basement for when my sister-in-law finally gets her shit out ofthere (we’re going on over a month here, and she still won’t get off her ass to do it). I would also like to get those bookshelves to be altars. But once again money is my stumbling block.

A week ago another spiritual friend asked if I would be willing to do a reading for a friend of hers, citing a closeness to the situation that might impair her ability to do an accurate reading. And of course I would be paid for my time. $75 was accepted as a good price and I did the reading. At first we were going to use that money for bills, but then we got a bit of a financial break, so I was able to use my money I earned in a religious endeavour for religious things.

So I went on a mini shopping spree at the Magickal Cat. And today it arrived. Whoot! (Look at my beautiful hardwood floors!)


Cedar, Dulse, and Black Walnut Bark


Air for Hermes, Ocean Atlantis for Aphrodite, and Peaceful Home


For the basement wash

I still have money left over, but I’m about $4 short of being able to get the bookshelves, but I’m sure that will be rectified soon enough, considering The Fiancée has had several orders to fill at work. Even if I have to wait until next month, it’s a lot better than “when the old car sells, which will eventually happen, maybe soon, but maybe not”.

So things are moving forward. And I’m feeling really good about it.

Ένα σπίτι μπορεί να μην είναι ένα σπίτι, αλλά ένα σπίτι μπορεί να είναι ένα σπίτι

A House May Not Be A Home, But A Home May Be A House

For me a house is a dwelling you happen to reside in, but a home is where the best memories are made. I have been trying so hard to make this apartment a home. However, that is nearly impossible when dealing with a narcissist who acts as if this space is an extention of their house, as well as dealing with the people who enable this behaviour. So instead of making fond memories we are drowning in negativity. Arguments. Seizures. Illness. Depression.

So last weekend I kidnapped another spiritual friend of mine and went down to the local occult shop and grabbed some tools to help the situation.

When I got home I immediately inscribed protective symbols over the windows and doors. Several people told me to use something that had meaning to me. The only thing I could come up with was a doodle I have been writing in the corners of my notebooks for years…The Heart and Stars:The Peace Lover’s Flag.


For the record, the door colour choice was NOT mine.

It has taken me a week to shake off my lethargy to actually cleanse the house. So today I girded up my loins and began the process.

I began by throwing open all of the windows, then swept out all of the rooms, then vacuumed the stairs (I don’t think they have been cleaned in years). The entire time I kept singing a little ditty to keep my mind focused on the intention of cleansing out the negativity. Because I am me, it naturally ended up being to the tune of the chorus to the Battle Hymn of the Republic.

I am cleansing my house /Oh I am cleansing my house/Cleansing my house of negativity!

Good thing I was home alone, I’m sure it was annoying as hell… the vacuum cleaner made a bid for my silence when it fell on my head while doing the stairs. But I kept with it. After I was done sweeping and vacuuming I stood in my living room and proclaimed that this house was ours now, and the previous tenant had no more presence here. I also proclaimed that this place is banished of negativity and only positive energies were allowed. I then lit brown mini tapers in the rooms. As I lit them I said “Our house has been cleared of negativity. With this candle I bless my home, allowing only happiness, laughter, and love.”

I feel as if I can breathe a little bit easier. Hopefully now we can start making good memories in our home.

Όταν άμυνα σας είναι κάτω, οι boggles φτάνουν.

When your defence is down, the boggles arrive.

So our move was rescheduled due to red tape insanity. Since we had pretty much has everything packed, neither one of us wanted to unpack anything for the week we still had to stay here. That included my altars.

His nightmares began two days later.  Apparently around this time he started to feel unsafe in the house.

Two days after that he caught me sleepwalking…in my underwear…heading outside. He caught me a few stairs down and asked me what the hell I was doing. I apparently told him that the talking skeleton in the bedroom told me to go get candles and crystals for it. I guess he had to keep talking me down for a solid five minutes because I was that insistent. He tucked me back into bed and was brushing his teeth when I apparently let out a “blood curdling scream”. When he ran in to check on me I told him that the skeleton was mad because I didn’t buy him the stuff so he made the walls crawl with rats.


There is something swirling around in here. Making us both edgy. Since our new date isn’t that far away I don’t want to unpack the altars just to pack them back up again in a day or two.

I talked to my SF about it. She recommended a protection spell that she had used recently. Put lemon slices with black pepper (I added sea salt) in ALL corners of your house, saying a cleansing spell. We talked about the energies in here and I decided that I would make a deal…leave us be until we leave, then have at it.

Hopefully things will settle. At least long enough to get the hell out of here.

Ζώντας στη σκιά μειώνει το φως σας …

Living in the shadows dampens your light…

EDIT TO ADD: Due to house closing stupidity the moving date has changed from the 20th to “TBD”. Effing stupid.

When I first moved into this apartment Aphrodite’s altar was a side table in the living room. I displayed my faith proudly.  I never brought attention to it as I was trying to follow the Maxims of practicing religious silence. However I didn’t hide anything either. 

About three years ago I made the horrible mistake of allowing people to move into my tiny one bedroom apartment. I had to take Aphrodite into my bedroom, since these people were camping out in my living room. Around this time Hermes came into my life. The only place I could fit him was in my narrow hallway. Both of my Patrons were effectively tucked out of sight.

Those people stayed in my apartment for a year. My devotions waxed and waned. I became so used to their positions in the household that, even after those people moved out I kept them where they were.

My SF came to visit and she asked me why I kept my  Patrons hidden. I had no good answer for her. “Cause that’s how it’s been?” didn’t seem like a sufficient reason.

But now is a time for new beginnings. We are days away from moving into our new place. Days away from getting out of this apartment with floors so warped being blind drunk makes it easier to walk through the apartment, old roofing tiles in place of actual siding with insulation ensuring this place is freezing in the winter and sweltering in the summer, and days away from getting out of a room whose ceiling is being held up with duct tape.

I have a spot already picked out in the new apartment where the new altars will go, and I have the tall bookcases picked out as well. I’m excited, nervous, and hopeful.  I hope that my religious life being out will help me reconnect to the deeper spirituality I had before.

T-3 days until moving day. May we be blessed with good weather.

52. Ευχου δυνατα

Pray for things possible 

The Fiancee and I have had numerous discussions about faith over the years. We’ve had some discussions when my faith has been shaky, and we’ve had numerous discussions when he has wondered about his.

For the past few months he has been repeating the same phrase whenever things come up in our lives: “I feel there’s something on my back”. For non-Whovians this is in reference to an episode when Companion Donna Noble ends up with a creature on her back that begins to influence her decisions and life events and changes the course of her life.

For us, there has been a lot of turmoil with absolutely insane events. He finally had shoulder surgery, but i really didn’t hold up as well as we both had anticipated. His mom went nutters, called him horrible names two months after his surgery for literally no reason, and he decided to stand up for himself for the first time . That caused a wall of silence in the family for months. This is a family that prides itself on how close knit they are. Unfortunately, his job was in the family business so that effectively barred him from going back to work once his shoulder recovered. So, he hiked up his big boy pants and took over the finances and somehow made it work. Through that, however, we looked at ourselves more as a separate family unit, just the two of us. But we were still trying to get back on an even keel from the surgery, my failed semester of school, and a slow decay of our communication skills.

Christmas rolled around and the rift was being suspended in favour of the holidays. But then the next day things went back to normal and he still kept on sticking up for himself…at least until New Years Eve when we received a phone call saying they had just bought us a new car. Which was extremely fortuitous because our car was on it’s way to the big old junkyard in the sky. But because this new car was so much newer and nicer than our current car, our insurance went up significantly. So, the car sealed the rift, and The Fiancee returned to work.

Then The INCIDENT happened, all of our communication skills left went right out the window. This also happened right as the docs were fucking with my meds, which caused one of the worst depressive episodes since before I was on meds. But, he decides to come with me to my next therapist appointment.  From there we were able to air things out in a controlled environment with a mediator.

So, as we are getting back on track, we find out his sister has just got a house. She currently resides in an apartment building owned by their parents. We have been trying to figure out a way to get out of our apartment because it is actively trying to kill us. So, he hiked up his big boy pants again and asked if we could move in there after his sister leaves.  We will move in after the sale on the house closes, and the apartment is rehabbed. We will of course to pay rent, about 50 less than we pay now. So we still have to be responsible.

Now after all that verbal diarrhea that could probably have just been summed up as :::stuff happened:::, we come to the faith portion of the post.

Literally right before his surgery one of my Spiritual Friends came to visit. She suggested moving my altars and such into a more central location, to bring my faith outwards so to speak. I immediately put both statues on the top of the fridge and set about trying to get money to buy them a more permanent altar. The funds weren’t available. I wrote a petition out then asking for a smoother path to getting them new altars.  Then I set fire to the top of the fridge (and Aphrodite- hence the reason she is in technicolor courtesy of my Spiritual Friend’s restoration efforts), and they had to go back to their original spots.

Then the apartment got worse. It seemed like every time we looked around we found something else wrong. On top of that I didn’t receive my school refund as we had anticioated, so still no funds.  I had been talking to my Spiritual Friend, and she suggested broadening my petitions to ask for a safer and better place in which to place their new altars.

It wasn’t smooth by any means, but when the Gods are about Their work, nothing ever is.

Yesterday The Fiancee came home and started talking again about “something on his back”.  As if lately we were like moving pieces on a board. I told him about my petitions months ago and how things had probably been in motion from the very start.

Two days previous he had gotten into a faith argument with an atheist friend of his. The Fiancee has faith of a sort. He believes there are bigger forces at work, he’s had his own interactions with both Hermes and Aphrodite, he’s had flashes of insight.

But now faith is staring down at him. When I asked what made him uncomfortable about the situation he said it made him feel as if he wasn’t in full control of events, like he was being shuffled around a cosmic board. All I could say was “THAT is faith. You give up part of your control to the Gods. You do retain some control, because you can’t ask them for something and then do nothing towards it.” I’m not sure if he was totally satisfied with that answer.

I’m actually hoping that this opens up a new line of discussion on faith. I think it would be good for the both of us, to be a sounding board for exploring and strengthening our beliefs.

Especially in our new place. If we survive this place long enough to get there.